Below is a series of photos of a wasp having a meal.
Note that the wasp is on the underside of a hibiscus leaf.
A black ant is approaching the scene bravely.
What is the black ant thinking?
Trying to be a hero?
Or could it be waiting for some leftover?
The wasp flew off with its meal.
I have seen a black ant protecting the mealy bugs by attacking the dragonflies.
Each time a dragonfly rest on the twig where the mealy bugs are, the ant would chase it away.
This is because ants farm mealy bugs for their secretions.
They may be small but fierce.
Any idea why the black ant approached the wasp that was having a meal?
I want to take this opportunity to wish Bom of Plant Chaser a Happy Belated Birthday and also Happy 1st Blogiversary!
Bom has requested that a post be prepared for this auspicious day.
The post must feature a genus that is listed on his site.
Little would he expect me to post on what I see underside the Hibiscus leaf.
I hope Bom like surprises!
Happy Birthday!
The red hibiscus flower above is for you!
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